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Live Judging Triggers

FitOrFlop Judge pressing Big Buddy button

"While figuring out was needed for our new judging platform for the 'Fit or Flop' show, X-Keys was an easy choice. Customer support made sure I got exactly what I needed, and setup was easy with the MacroWorks software."

- Richard Rodriguez
, NY

Here's an example I used for an online show called Fit or Flop to provide a judging platform for seasons 2 and 3.  

The setup composed of the , and 6. Each of the 3 judges had a red and green button to press, which in turn activated a video clip on the screen in front of them, displaying the judge's pick of "Fit" or "Flop". Since each button was simply mapped to a keyboard button, an off-screen person with a wireless keyboard could reset the displays and vote for the judges if needed. The rest of the setup included a Matrox 3-way display splitter, and custom software built on the CEF-Python platform to bring it all together.

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